Documentation of Lalaland Dueling Projection
Meat Cute
November 9, 2018
Lalaland, Fayetteville, AR
Featuring video works by:
Ella Weber, Josh Roach, Nick Hay and Clarissa Peppers, Zachary Hill
6 videos are randomly played by two Projectors offset and pointed at opposite walls. The volume of one projector is turned up, while the other is turned down. Whichever video plays on the high volume projector, provides the sound track for both changing the mood of the lower. The projections played for 3 hours changing the tone of the exhibition from uncomfortable to irreverant to humorous to calm to fanciful.
Select Video Stills from the 6 videos:
Ella Weber, 1- 7
Josh Roach, 8-12
Nick Hay and Clarissa Peppers, 13-19
Zachary Hill, 20 -26
download The Love Story .pdf